Autonomous Region of Sardinia

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Autonomous Region of Sardinia

Contaminated Sites Remediation Plan of Sardinia Region, drafting of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Description of the work
The Region of Sardinia had to update their 2003 regional reclamation plan in order to comply with the dispositions established in the Legislative Decree no. 152/2006 and the relative annexes. The steps to be taken and that ambiente sc provided support to, included:

  • Establish the priority interventions;
  • Identify areas to be reclaimed and the general characteristics of the pollutants;
  • Outline the procedures for the environmental reclamation and restoration interventions;
  • Estimate the cost;
  • Define the procedures for the disposal of the materials removed.

In addition, assistance was provided to the Region in order to draw up all the documentation related to the SEA and the EIA of the plan.

Particular attention was given to the classification and management of decommissioned mining sites that represent the most common contaminated sites aimed for reclamation in Sardinia.

Articulation of activities
The drafting of the plan, the SEA and EIA documents were elaborated performing the following activities:

  • Collection and organization of existing data using GIS format (SIT) in order to build a regional registry of contaminated sites. This census included the location and type of pollution of the sites, where reclamation is in progress, where it is required or where it has been completed.
  • Application of a risk analysis order to define priorities and identify necessary safety measures.

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Design and drafting of naturalistic studies, regional reclamation and contaminated sites plan, SEA – assessment of environmental impact and drafting of the plan.

Autonomous Region of Sardinia
Start-end year
2012 – in corso
